The first night was VERY rough! We didn't arrive at our campsite until 11:30 p.m. so we didn't get bedded down until 1am. It was chilly so I bundled Link up and she decided that she was happy as a clam and wanted everyone in the campgrounds to know it. We were giggling and sweating a little as she chattered for a good 30 minutes. She finally fell asleep with Ben and I but woke up not long after and was VERY cranky because our air mattress had a leak and was making everyone uncomfortable. We finally got her calmed down and decided that she would be more comfortable in her car seat next to us. She agreed. :) Ben had a big surprise planned for me on Friday and we were supposed to leave at 7am that morning. Unfortunately, Linkan woke up early on Friday morning and was having a very hard time because she was so tired and her schedule was screwed up. Ben made a phone call and were we able to postpone the outing until Saturday to my great relief. We spent Friday just hanging out at the campsite and enjoying the weather! Once the sun came out and warmed things up, it was great!
I took a nap that afternoon while Linkan and Daddy hiked around and played together. She was getting back on schedule and the smiles were back!
On Saturday, we were able to leave Linkan with Nate, H and Denise and left early for my birthday surprise! Holy crow! You will have to read my next post, because it deserves it's own post! :)
Boss and Stella zonked out early after a hard day's play.
Snug as a bug!
She was SUPPOSED to be tired by now...haha
On Sunday, we packed up camp and did a great hike (Negro Bill trail) before hitting the road. It was really cool because it was dog friendly (most of the trails aren't in Moab!), winded in and out of a beautiful crystal clear creek and at the end of the trail was the world's 6th largest natural bridge (arch). It was amazing! I'll have to post pics later because I didn't have my camera (but H did). Link had enough by the end of the hike and was letting us know it! Once we got her in the car, she fell asleep and did awesome for the 6 hour car ride home. Good times! What a fun birthday weekend!
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