
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well, hopefully this is the last "pregO" post. My due date is November 15th - 4 days and counting! I went to the doc yesterday and I'm not dialated yet but I'm making slow and steady progress. I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore but I'm not so ready that I want to mess with mother nature. I know that baby will come when baby is ready! Came home last night to a beautiful dinner and flowers from Ben. I'm so very blessed that he is the father of my child. I can't wait to see him with his baby for the first time! The nursery is all done and it turned out really cute for being gender neutral. Enjoy our last pregnant pics. I didn't feel like paying a photographer a ton of money for a session so I did these myself. :) We'll let you know when our little bundle arrives! We covet your prayers for a safe, sucessful delivery and healthy baby. Blessings!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Babymoon, Baby shower & 8 month pics

The first weekend in October, Ben and I took a road trip to Emporia for a family & friends baby shower. It was so wonderful to see everyone - some I hadn't seen in over a year. It's a lovely thing to sit in a room full of beautiful wise women that have "been there and done that". Amy, Aunt Maurita and my mom made the day very special for me.
The second weekend in October, Ben and I flew to Las Vegas to relax at Gary and Sandie's amazing vacation home - Pirate's Cove - on Lake Mead. The property is unreal and the weather was perfect - 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. This was our last hooorah or Babymoon before Baby Post hits our little family. We savored the time together - just us. I have been mourning this loss a little. We have been so blessed to have 9 years together, getting into many a mis-adventure. I know that our baby will only enhance our lives together and we are looking forward to this new adventure in our lives. I will always look back on our childless married days with a grateful and happy heart. My cup runneth over.
Today, I had my 36 week check up. I go to the OB once a week from here on out. I'm faring really well. Baby's head is down and has dropped quite a bit in the last few days. She mentioned it and I told her that I have definately noticed the change! I'm using the ladies room constantly and the ligaments connecting my lower abdomen to my legs are really feeling the stretch! Baby is at -1 and my cervix is thinning, which is all great news. The OB said that it's a good indication that I may have a short labor. I'm focusing on all the positive energy she is giving me! I told Ben on Saturday that my intuition is that I will go early. I don't care either way. I still have things to do so I wouldn't mind waiting the full 4 weeks either. We have hired our Doula, Miss Miranda. She is a wonderful lady and will help Ben and I labor at home as long as possible. Then she'll join us in the hospital to support us through the rest. Ben took these pics a few days ago. I feel like I couldn't possibly get any bigger!! We are so excited to meet our baby AND to find out the sex. Can't wait!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Seriously? 7 months already!?

The clock is ticking and we're definately sensing that we don't have much time left before Baby Post makes his/her grand entrance. :) We have been attending birthing classes and...what can I say...educational and friggin scary. haha We'll be fine - we can do anything together! We have the baby's room cleared out but no furniture yet. Still no names picked out. We better get on that. We're headed to Kansas the first weekend in October for a baby shower. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! I feel great. It's definately getting harder to move around my daily life but thas just how it goes when you're packing 20 extra pounds. Enjoy our 32 week pics.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whoa baby! 6 months!

Well, we're trucking right along and getting bigger by the day. Still feeling great. Since the last post, I had a prenatal massage which helped ease some of my upper back pain. It was heavenly and I haven't had any back pain since! Currently looking into hiring a doula to assist with natural childbirth. We think we have a theme for the baby's room - mountain climbing or summits or something like that. Hey, some things just never change. What can I say? Ben just got back from his Mont Blanc Tour on Sunday. He trekked through France, Switzerland and Italy for 2 weeks and summitted Mont Blanc (15,781 ft) at the end. The first picture is of Ben on the summit of Mont Blanc on he France/Italian border. He had a great time but I'm glad to have him back. Enjoy the pictures. Stella just had to get in on the action... Cheers!

Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Month Pics

Well, we're a little over half way there! Now the panic is really starting to set in. haha, j/k - kinda. :) I am 23 weeks a long and am used to acrobatics in my belly by now. Still feeling great! This past week was the first week that total strangers started making comments about my belly. I'm past the - "maybe she's just a lil chubby..." and on to "oh ya, she's definately pregnant so it's safe to say something". haha ;) Ben is getting packed for his trip to Europe in less than 2 weeks. He'll be doing the 100 mile trek around Mont Blanc through France, Switzerland and Italy. At the conclusion, he'll be sumitting Mont Blanc. We had planned to go together from the start but being 6 month pregnant while traveling internationally and trekking 100 miles poses some challenges. We decided to play it safe and I'm relieved that I'm not going b/c he won't have to fret over me. :) We plan on going back in the next few years so I can do the trek - maybe even with baby. Pray for safe travels for Ben July 31 to August 16. Enjoy our latest pics!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby Post Ultrasound Pics

We had our first (and probably only) ultrasound 1 week ago - 6/29/09. It was so amazing! Baby Post's back was to us most of time but turned towards the end of the session. Baby was moving around like crazy. Ben couldn't believe that I wasn't able to feel every movement. I have been feeling kicks and movements for about a week now. So fun! Baby is about 10+ inches this week. I'm 21 weeks - 5 months. Over half way there. Still don't know the sex and we're keeping it that way. November 15th is the right due date according to the measurements that the ultrasound tech took. The last pic is of baby sucking it's thumb. Priceless!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

4 Month Prego Belly Pics

It's hard to believe that it's been 4 months since we found out that our family was changing - big time! I'm definately feeling "pregnant" this month. I'm not able to zip up my pants anymore! ha! We're looking forward to our first ultra-sound on Jun. 29. We won't be finding out the sex - that will be a surprise on delivery day. We will post those pictures as soon as we get home. I haven't felt any "movement" yet but I'm looking forward to that in just a few weeks. I've had many women tell me that I'm having a boy. Not sure what methodology they're using...other than just a hunch. :) I feel absoutely amazing. I've felt so good that I'm still hitting the gym faithfully...doing my weight lifting classes and running. I'll be joining a pre-natal yoga class next week and will do that 2x a week for the duration of the pregnancy. I'll be delivering naturally so I'm trying to be in the best physical condition possible. We'll see how that goes as the waist line continues to expand. :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

2 months

Doncha love the headless lady look?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3 months!

I can't believe that 2 months have flown by! I didn't think my belly had grown that much until I compared 3 month pics to 1 month pics. Wow! We heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time 2 weeks ago. What an amazingly life changing experience! We had fun celebrating our mom's this past weekend in Kansas. Ben gave me a pregnancy journal for mother's day so I "wouldn't forget to cherish all the little details" and joy that pregnancy brings. :)

Benny P took these pictures a few days after we found out that we were pregnant! I was 4 weeks along. I wonder if I'll ever fit in those pants again... :)