
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I'm Laying Down!

Palmer and Linkan stayed at Gma and Gpa P's in September so we could enjoy our anniversary weekend sans kids. (Thank you Gma and Gpa P!!) A few days after their stay, I received the following email from Gma:

"OK, so here's the story on Palmer. She very carefully laid her blanket on top of the dog pillow in the living room. Then she stood in the middle of it and started twirling around in circles. I asked her what she was doing. She gave me "that look" and said, "I'm laying down." Then she twirled a couple more times and laid down on her blanket. Shades of Boss laying down. I laughed so hard I had tears. She's a very observant little girl. And soaks everything in. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy that. I sure did. Kiss the girls for me."

That's MY girl! ;-)

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