
Sunday, August 5, 2012

My one year old!

Palmer turned one year old today! It's crazy to think about what we were doing on this day one year ago. I re-read her birth story and I couldn't help but think - again - how amazing that day was.

Oh, what stories we will tell little monkey about her first year of life! Palmer is so different than Linkan - it's been fun to see how their little personalities are unique from each other. She is little miss independent. She wants to do everything on her own...put on her shoes, use a fork and a spoon, walk (although she hasn't totally mastered that yet). She almost completely refuses to eat baby food anymore. I have to distract her by giving her another spoon to try to feed herself while I shovel cereal or yogurt in the hatch...before she notices that I've tricked her. :) She knows some sign language and uses it well. She is a little she uses the sign for "more" when she wants something. But we know what she means and give it to her so I guess she has us trained!

Palmer is an observer. She studies things and people. She has to have time to take you in before she decides if you are ok. If you are a stranger, you will have to work hard for her smiles...unless you are a girl under the age of 11 and then she INSTANTLY loves you. I'm learning that she wants me to hold her a lot so that she can be right in the middle of the action AND study (so that she can later mimic) whatever it is that I'm doing.

She loves her Linkan so much. The first thing they do in the morning is excitedly greet each other. It's so sweet. Linkan says, "Good morning baby girl!" She can often put a smile on Palmer's face or make her giggle when no one else can. Palmer LOVES to wrestle and roll around with Link. Linkan is still learning how to share and snatches toys from Palmer constantly. I've been surprised to find that Palmer is no shrinking violet. I don't think we will ever have to worry about our flamboyant Linkan bull-dozing Palmy. She stands her ground. And I try not to laugh...

Palmer can say mama, da ("dad"), hi. She waves hello and goodbye, plays peek-a-boo, does the sounds for a fish-owl-tiger-elephant-dog-money-gorilla. She does this fore-head bump thing that we can "bonk". It's the Post universal language for "I love ya!" She can sign drink, more, eat, and all done. She is 17 pounds and 29 inches long. She only gained 1 pound in the last three months which I was totally surprised by because she eats like a horse! She is 60th percentile in height (same as 9 months) and 5th percentile in weight (was 25th at 9 months). Doc isn't concerned. She doesn't have much hair yet but the growth has picked up very recently! She has 8 teeth - 4 on top and 4 on bottom and is currently working on two GIGANTIC molars. And they HURT. :( She is cruising really well and crawls faster than the speed of sound. She took a couple of steps on her own today.I'd give her another month or so before she will be stable enough to start walking.

She is our sweet little baby. We love her little personality and her sweet giggles and funny things that she does every day to make us laugh. Our little world would not be the same without her! Happy birthday Palmy, we love you!

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