
Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. I got to spend a nice quiet day with my fam. Great church service honoring mamas, lunch at my fav - Aladdin's and an impromptu visit from my folks and sis. 

While we were getting ready for church, Palmer wanders into the bathroom, eating a big Roma tomato like an apple. She must have discovered it on the kitchen counter and thought that it sounded like a good treat. Link saw her "treat" and insisted on having one of her own.

#1, these are definitely my children...because tomatoes are nearly my favorite food in the whole world. (And their too.)

#2, we haven't called them "tomotoes" since 2011, when Linkan renamed them "nemos".

#3, this perfectly illustrates my quirky little off-spring...and why I love them so. 

Happy Mother's Day to me, indeed. :-)

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