
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Relay For Life

So, I have to brag on my husband a little bit. :) We drove to Alma this evening because the Wabaunsee County Relay For Life group asked him to speak to their group on his journey to cancer survival. They invited us girls too and we were happy to tag along (Link and Palmer especially loved the playground, cake and tiaras!)

I think that my sweet husband has missed his calling in life. If you enjoyed his blog entries while enduring chemo, you would love hearing him speak. He was engaging, funny, interesting, introspective and inspirational. He did such a good job of down-playing his suffering last year, that a lot of people don't realize just how amazing it is that he endured chemo, fought the cancer battle, and won. And he did it all with the emotional fortitude of an ox. He ALWAYS stayed positive. He endured the physical ad emotional attacks like a champ. I can remember several times through out staging and chemo where he was encouraging ME to keep my chin up. Just imagine how humbling it is to be encouraged by someone who is in pain, doubled-over in bed.

Yes, I realize its nauseating sometimes to read about people's "perfect life" and "perfect relationship" on blogs or Facebook. Please don't misunderstand. Our life isn't perfect (um, hello? Cancer) and our marriage isn't either. Just last week, we had the most ridiculous argument over where he wants me to put the clean lids to cups and where I want him to put the recycling. I mean, who raises their voice over recycling? Fail.

BUT (a big one), I adore this man. We deal with normal relational issues that we constantly have to work to keep in check. But don't think for one minute that our love for each other isn't deep and rich and extraordinary...because it's all that. It is absolutely all that.

He was asked to speak at some more Relay For Life groups and I couldn't be happier about that (he is too). He has an important message to tell about how to suffer well, live full, and love big. Love you, Benny P.

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