
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Linkan's 3rd Birthday Party

We celebrated sweet Linkan's 3rd birthday. Both sets of grandparents came. We had chili and opened presents followed by the grande finale - unveiling the Little Einstein's themed Rocket Cake. I stayed up until 2:30a the night before, creating it. She loved it and that made it all worth it. It was my second cake ever. I've decided it's kind of fun and am going to make a special cake for my girls for their birthdays. My mom did that for me as a kid and it made me feel special. It was a fun night for us all, celebrating our little spitfire, who has captured our hearts from the very beginning. Happy birthday, little love.

1 comment:

Molly said...

On the first picture, "Rocket"s little cone thingys look like they're blasting out fire!!!! So cool!!!!!!