
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well, hopefully this is the last "pregO" post. My due date is November 15th - 4 days and counting! I went to the doc yesterday and I'm not dialated yet but I'm making slow and steady progress. I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore but I'm not so ready that I want to mess with mother nature. I know that baby will come when baby is ready! Came home last night to a beautiful dinner and flowers from Ben. I'm so very blessed that he is the father of my child. I can't wait to see him with his baby for the first time! The nursery is all done and it turned out really cute for being gender neutral. Enjoy our last pregnant pics. I didn't feel like paying a photographer a ton of money for a session so I did these myself. :) We'll let you know when our little bundle arrives! We covet your prayers for a safe, sucessful delivery and healthy baby. Blessings!


Anonymous said...

You look so good. The pictures came out great. Good luck. Relax and sleep as much as possible now...cause you won't be getting any sleep when baby gets here.


Anonymous said...

Your pictures came out good! Thinking about you and can't wait to hear the good news! Also can't wait to see the nursery!


Julia said...

I love these pictures Kacy. I can't wait to meet Little Baby P!

Heather Robinson said...

Hey let's have an update already! Jeeezzzzzz