
Friday, April 9, 2010

Catch up!

Well, I certainly haven't done very well at keeping up the blog since Linkan was born! It's amazing how time flies once they're born! She will be 5 months old next Tuesday! So, over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to work on a humongo post to get us caught up from our amazing birth experience to present day. What an amazing journey it has been and it just keeps getting better!

I have been back at work for 2 months now. Next week is my last week working a "traditional" job. I'm trading in my HR Manager badge and trading it for Mom. I've been blessed because I've been able to experience both worlds. First, with my 3 month maternity leave at home following Linkan's birth...and then 2 months working a full time job. A lot of things have suffered while I've been at work - including quality time with Link...and my house...well, it's a disaster. Of course, it doesn't help that we decided to rip up carpet and tile 500 sq. feet in our home! (My frdge has been in my living room for the past week!) I'm barely making it and I'm so thankful that I'll be home full time very soon. Lately, Ben has been saying quite often, "I can't wait until you're back home"! Needless to say, our lives run much more smoothly when I'm home. I can honestly say that I'm not a mom that can juggle everything with finesse. Instead, I'm just a hot mess! So, if I want a clean house, home cooked meals, lots of quality time with Sweet P, sleep!, exercise, and a happy husband - staying home is the best option for me! I am so very thankful that Ben has supported and encouraged this decision. I envision myself working in some capacity at some point (non-traditional and probably never full time again)...but for now, I'm excited about taking care of Ben and Link! (oh and the fat mutts too!) :)

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