Tonight, Link came downstairs (she hardly ever does this after she goes to bed) and told her daddy that she just wanted to lay with him. She sure knows how to wrap him around her finger...and I truly mean that in the best possible way. So, of course, he let her crawl into bed and snuggle for awhile and then carried her up to her room. I witness these types of tender exchanges between him and the girls every day. He plays almost non-stop with them when he gets home from work. "Daddy, let's wrestle! Daddy, throw me! Let's play princesses! Let's play tag!" Earlier this evening, he was playing with them and their Little People Princess Castle. Ben is quite testosteroney but there is nothing that he won't do for his babies...even if it's a bit on the girly-side. ;-)
I am so blessed that Link & Palm get to grow up with him as their daddy. He is the most amazing model to them....showing them every day how a man should love them. Someday, I know they will pick a man that loves them deeply, respects and honors them just like their daddy does.
And yes, I found and chose the best man because that's the kind of love that my daddy modeled for me too. :-)
Here is a pic of Ben giving Link her first skateboarding lesson last week at the lake.
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