We're in Oakley, Kansas with Ben. He has been working with the Nature Converancy on an enormous ranch and we got to tag along with him. It's been a great few days. I left the ranch with the girls after dark and as we were driving back to the hotel, Linkan and I had this conversation...
L: Mom, I don't want to go to Heaven.
M: Why not?
L: Because I don't want to die. When I close my eyes, it's scary.
M: (after I explained the difference between closing your eyes and dying)
Dying is a little scary, I agree. Even I am a little afraid of dying. I don't want it to hurt. But I'm not afraid of Heaven. It's where you get to go after you die if you believe in Jesus. And remember who is in Heaven, waiting to see you?
L: Uncle Sammy. Mom, How do you believe in Jesus?
M: You just pray and tell Him that you believe in Him. Then he'll be in your heart forever.
L: How does He get in your Heart?
M: (long pause...grasping for an explanation that makes sense to a 3 yr old...haha...I've got nothing) Um, that's a good question. Kind of confusing, huh?
L: Yea... (then a little whisper from the back seat) Jesus, I believe in you. Will you get in my heart?
M: *tears*