
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just another Tuesday

The girls and I enjoyed the warmer weather outside today. I got a kick out of them filling up this container and turning it into a little pool. Palmer was loving life. :)

We went to "work" with Ben this evening. He was working on a trail improvement project with the Lawrence Mountain Bike Club. We consider it a blessing that he has a job where it's ok for us to "tag along" sometimes. Win-win all around. 

During dinner tonight - for the very first time - unprompted and out of the blue - Palmer said, "I love you daddy". Pretty special moment. Melted her daddy's heart. It is these moments where I pause and marvel at the life that God has given me. As broken and imperfect as it is. As broken and imperfect as I am, He still affords me the most amazing miracle-moments. I am blessed indeed.

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