My baby doll is 18 months old today! How did that happen? This little girl is really starting to come into her own. Her personality is blossoming. She is quickly becoming daddy's biggest fan (there is still lots of competition for that title!). She is becoming more independent and confident and very rarely gets upset when I leave her with a sitter. (Quite the improvement!)
She says more words than I can remember in just this one setting. Every day, she is trying out new words. Although she doesn't dictate as well as Linkan did at the same age, doc says she's above normal with her speech. Always nice to hear those words of encouragement! She has also started putting two words together....most commonly, "more pear".
Some funny Palm'isms:
E-yan = Orange
Doe Doe = Dora
Nigh Night = Blankey
Pat pat = can I watch Little Einsteins?
Fih = Bathtub fizzies
Fee = Can I watch Sophia? (you would think I let this kid watch tv all day long)
Kie Kie = Sky sky (as in-play that song that goes "reach and touch the sky"
Side = Lets go play outside
Arrre youuuuuu = where arrrrrre youuuuu???
Blah blah = her doll named "blah blah"
Chi chi = her monchichi monkey baby (that was actually mine when I was little)
She runs nowadays and tries real hard to jump. It's hilarious. She loves to color with markers and I've never seen anything like it. She puts the cap back on each marker as soon as she is done with it. Her markers never dry out. Amazing! I'll take it!
Her daddy puts her to bed now and she cons (not much arm twisting going on) him into lying on the floor next to her crib. She sticks her little hand through the crib slats and holds her daddy's hand. She has an l.e.d. night light now (just like Linkan) and likes to read books at bedtime in her crib.
With every day that passes, I cherish her even more. I love her to pieces.
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