
Friday, September 2, 2011

11 Years

11 years ago, we said "I do" in a hot church in Emporia, Kansas. If you were there, I guarantee that the only thing you remember is how hot it was in that church! We started out, living in a 500 sq. ft. apartment, making a combined income of less than 25,000 a year. We didn't have much but it sure didn't seem to matter to us. Now we have two babies and over a decade of amazing life experiences together.

I wouldn't necessarily encourage anyone to get married as young as we did...but it worked for us. We put the future of our marriage and trust in God from the beginning...and as we grew up (I had barely turned 20 when we got married!), we grew up together...instead of apart. We have had many challenging moments over the last 11 years...and we continue to have them...but no love has ever been lost. We're in this thing for the long haul, baby. Ben continues to chase after my heart and I continue to adore and look up to him even more-so than when we first fell in love. I tell him that he's "my favorite" all the time. He is still my favorite person in the whole wide world. Love you, my sweet. Happy Anniversary!

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