Well, I never thought I'd say the next two things...let alone pair them together in a sentence buuuut...
Yep, we know this is coming out of left field...but thas how we roll. So, here is the short story. Ben accepted a position with Westar Energy (his former employer in Topeka) to become their Green Team and Business Sustainability Coordinator. Ben tells me that the Green Team part of the position coordinates projects (and volunteers) all over the state that involve environmental education and sustainability. Stuff like creating trails, planting trees, wildlife habitat preservation, etc. The sustainability portion of the job is new to Westar and to the position. It means that he will be tasked with reducing Westar's environmental impact through bigger projects such as solar, wind power, water conservation etc. Some pretty cool stuff. It's his dream job. It's the kind of position that he went to school and got his Biology degree for. It's just that very few that graduate with that degree, actually get to do a job this cool. He's pretty pumped. Heck, WE are pretty pumped.
He was approached about the opportunity back in November so we have had a lot of time to pray over this decision. Initially, I was NOT on board. The thought of leaving my beloved Colorado was heartbreaking. I won't dwell too much on everything that I love and am going to miss about Colorado....it would make this blog 3 pages long. Suffice to say that we have built a good life here, complete with the most amazing church we've ever been a part of... and a wonderful support system of friends that we consider family. I wrestled with God over it for a good week...trying to get over the sinking feeling in my stomach. Ultimately, it was God who changed my heart and help me get past my selfishness. I'm thankful that it only took a week! It was like I went to bed one night, not wanting to leave...and the waking up the next morning with a totally new perspective and excitement for the next big adventure for our family. The bottom line for me was that it was paramount to our family dynamic to have Ben doing a job that he was passionate about (Plus all the positives of moving back to Kansas...being closer to family and existing friends to name a couple.) Doing something you hate for 50-60 hours every week has consequences. It affects everything...especially your family unit. However, I will say that I admire Ben because he sucked it up and maintained a good attitude despite how miserable he was. He put the needs of his family first as the primary wage earner. Sure, there were periods where he wasn't all "puppy dogs and ice cream" but he tried so, so hard not to bring work home. I admire him immensely for his career achievements. He works very hard, gets things done, and is a natural-born leader. I'm incredibly honored to be associated with him, let alone be his wife and mother of his children. His efforts are being blessed by our Heavenly Father, for sure! "Home" to me, is where ever he is...and rest assured, I would follow him anywhere.
Like I said, that is the "short" version! ;) Ben starts his new job the last week in April. Eeek! We are in for a CRAZY-BUSY next few months. I'm thankful that I'm only 5 1/2 months pregnant at this point. I still have time to get our affairs in order before Baby #2 arrives. God's timing is so perfect. I marvel at how He works. We will be selling our home here and looking for a new home in the Lawrence area. Rock Chalk! I don't know when Linkan and I will be moving to Kansas to join Ben. Hopefully, it won't take too much longer to wrap up our affairs here in Colorado.
We're heading to Cozumel tomorrow (don't even think about robbing my house, I have a house sitter...ha) for a family vacation and the timing could not have been more perfect. Again, I marvel at God's timing. The next couple of months are going to be so busy. Our family will be running in different directions, by default...so we are going to savor every minute of quality time that we will have together while on vacation.
To our beloved Colorado family, we hope to see each and every one of you before we leave the state. We already miss you and we're not even gone!