I'm a little behind! Linkan turned 9 months last Tuesday (8/17/2010). It snuck up on me and I didn't realize it until the day of. Ben and I really can't believe it. It's amazing to think that, at this point, she has been on the "outside" longer than she has been on the "inside". :)
At her 9 month appointment last week, she was:
28.25 inches long (75%)
18 lb. 2 oz (36%)
What she is up to:
Crawling at the speed of sound
Pulling herself up on anything that she can
Crawling up the steps
Walking with a little balance help from mom and dad
Walking by herself while holding onto a walker (think - granny walker)
Loves to climb up the sides of our hot tub
Loves the community pool and our hot tub
Wears sun hats, sunglasses and headbands without protest (much to the delight of her mama!)
Loves to run errands
Lots of babbling - da da, ba ba, boo boo, etc
Loves to turn the pages in her books
What she eats the most:
Still nursing 4x day
Yo baby yogurt
Freeze dried fruit
She's a pretty amazing little girl. We marvel at her every day. :) Here are some pics that I took on her 9 month old birthday....or whatever you want to call that.
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