
Friday, March 27, 2015


Every night since the day my kids were born (with the exception of a few nights I've been away), I have tucked them in after they fall asleep. It's a compulsion. I can't NOT do it! I do it for me, I suppose. I sleep better knowing that I've pulled their covers up so they're not cold, put them back in bed if they've rolled out, remove the book that rests on their face because they fell asleep "reading" it, brush their hair back off their face, give them some medicine because they are coughing in their sleep...the list goes on. 

I have a sinus infection and I took some NyQuil last night and it knocked me out before I remebered to go tuck them in. 

At breakfast this morning, out of the blue  Linkan asked me why I didn't tuck her in last night. This caught me off guard because I wasn't really aware that she knew I did this every night. So, I asked her how she knew I didn't tuck her in - if she was asleep? And she said "because I didn't feel your hand on my face, mom."

It struck me, in that moment, how profound a mother's love is for her children. How it manifests itself in the smallest ways... And how my small, every-day things have a big impact on my babies. I knew that - but then again, I forget. How blessed am I, that I get to be Linkan and Palmer's mom?  Moments like that remind me that I was made to be their mom. No one else besides their earthly and Heavenly Father can rival my love for them. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Things Kids Say

I have to do better about writing down the funny things these kids say! They crack us up all. the. time!

Tonight at dinnertime prayer, Palmer thanked God for "Valenton-hearts day". 

Shortly after that, Linkan said, "mom! Have you ever seen potato pudding!?" Of course I said no (I made soup with potato chunks) and then she proudly proceeded to open her mouth and show me. Couldn't help myself from laughing! 

The best conversation happened a few weeks ago when we were driving around in the car. It went like this:

Link: Mom, your arms are hairy.
Me: Ya, they kind of are! (Giggling)
Palmer: Mom! Get no-no!!
Link (without skipping a beat): It's surprisingly painless!

I laughed so hard. And also face-palmed because, clearly, this was a sign that my children had been watching too much TV!