Initially, we thought that there was no way that we would be in a new home by the time that our baby was born. Now, I know that I'll not only be in my house, but I may have a few spare days to unpack. God is so good. Honestly, some of the "stuff" that I have had to deal with this summer sure seems to pale in comparison to other's situations. I was reminded of that the other night when watching a show about a serviceman coming home to see his family...and seeing his 6 month old baby for the first time in his life. His wife had to give birth alone. She had to take care of their other kids and a newborn alone. Wow.
Even though this season in my life hasn't always been the most the future...I think that I will look back on the summer of 2011 with great fondness. How many times in life are you able to spend that much time with your immediate family (after you've grown up and moved out)? The time that Linkan has had with both sets of grandparents this summer has been priceless. Ben and I have grown closer even though we have lived apart. We have functioned as a well-oiled machine...and haven't sweated or squabbled over the small stuff because the small stuff didn't seem to matter much. I have learned to trust God even more with all the little details of my life and to be grateful for it all...even the inconveniences.