Yesterday was our second (4 month) OB appointment. I don't think I've mentioned it before but we had to switch OB's from Dr. Essig to Dr. Christie because Dr. Essig decided to get out of OB and only practice family medicine about 6 months after Linkan was born...and I didn't find out about it until I called and scheduled my first OB appointment. I was disappointed because we both love Essig...however, she didn't deliver Linkan (Dr. Robertson did - she was awesome) so I don't know why it would bother me. :) Anyway, I had seen Dr. Christie before and liked her. After seeing her multiple times now, I totally love her. She stayed until 7:00pm two Fridays ago when I came in with a viral bug and severe dehydration. She stayed late to hook me up with an IV and it made all the difference in the world for me! When I was there yesterday, I thanked her again for staying late...she said "Well, it was the right thing to do. You would have ended up at an ER later that night needing an IV and it would have been a nightmare because it would have taken forever." Like I said, I totally love her. This is a bit of a bunny trail but I absolutely LOVE Broomfield Family Practice. Everyone that works there is so amazing. I feel so fortunate to have found such an awesome practice. Avista, the hospital where Linkan was born, was also equally amazing. Did you know that they are the ONLY LDR (Labor, Deliver, Recovery) facility in Colorado? ...Which means that once I arrived at the hospital and checked into a room, I never left that room...and the rooms are fabulous and "homey" and very accommodating to dads. I love love love Avista.
Anyway, back to my appointment! Pretty uneventful but need to record it for history purposes. :) I'm 115 - a few more pounds than last time! ha - but I had a horrible 1st trimester this time (nauseous ALL THE stinkin' TIME and heartburn) so I had to eat whatever sounded good (crazy strong food aversions)...and that usually meant that it wasn't good for me....I'm not kidding...I basically carb-loaded for 6 weeks straight. ;) haha. I'm well into my second trimester now and have been feeling like my "normal" self for a few weeks so I've been eating much healthier and started my normal gym routine back up about 3 weeks ago. Baby's heart beat sounded great - 150 bpm. I do have group strep B (didn't have it during my first pregnancy) but no biggie...they will just be sure to dope me up with antibiotics as I'm delivering my second sweet lil baby. Another ultrasound in a few weeks (at 20 weeks)....wooohoo! Can't wait to see our cutie again...and no, we won't be finding out the sex even though we would be able to tell at 20 weeks
I completely forgot to get 1 and 2 month belly pics...poor baby! But I did take some for 3 months. I'm about as big at 3 months I was at 4 months with Linkan. Have been wearing maternity clothes since 11 weeks!
3 Months
Linkan has been readily doling out the kisses for about a month now. Cutest thing ever. She likes giving the doggies kisses too. I didn't think to have her say it but she can say "stella"'s adorable. :) Pretty sure Stella was more interested in the yogurt all over Linkan's mouth than the actual kiss...