It's hard to believe that it's been 4 months since we found out that our family was changing - big time! I'm definately feeling "pregnant" this month. I'm not able to zip up my pants anymore! ha! We're looking forward to our first ultra-sound on Jun. 29. We won't be finding out the sex - that will be a surprise on delivery day. We will post those pictures as soon as we get home. I haven't felt any "movement" yet but I'm looking forward to that in just a few weeks. I've had many women tell me that I'm having a boy. Not sure what methodology they're using...other than just a hunch. :) I feel absoutely amazing. I've felt so good that I'm still hitting the gym faithfully...doing my weight lifting classes and running. I'll be joining a pre-natal yoga class next week and will do that 2x a week for the duration of the pregnancy. I'll be delivering naturally so I'm trying to be in the best physical condition possible. We'll see how that goes as the waist line continues to expand. :)